Page 4 - cannabis-catalog-21
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           Potency analysis identifies these compounds and measures their levels of strength.
           Cannabis potency testing normally focuses on the compounds called cannabinoids.
           Cannabis is made up of over 500 chemical compounds. The most commonly tested
           cannabinoids are: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV),
           Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabidivarin (CBDV), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabichromene
           (CBC), Cannabigerol (CBG) and Cannabigerivarin (CBGV).

           Cannabinoid profile and potency screening aids growers, processors, dispensaries
           and quality control laboratories in knowing the level of cannabinoids in their
           samples. This research shows the compound profiles of different strains and is
           necessary for accurate labeling of both medicinal and recreational products.

           The two most common means to accurately quantitatively determine the potency
           of cannabinoid constituents are Gas and Liquid Chromatography (GC, H PLC).

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                                                                                              AN LC_GN0581  Source: Restek

            *Our cannabis start-up kits get your lab running samples quickly. Inquire today for availablity.
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