Fundamental to any toxicology lab are gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer systems (GC/MS and LC/MS). Chromatography is used to separate and identify a wide range of compounds from a variety of samples such as blood, urine or saliva. GC/MS and LC/MS can identify many substances, including alcohol, both prescription and illegal drugs, and chemical contaminants.
For years GC/MS was the ‘gold standard’ for toxicology analyses, but LC/MS offers several advantages. Whereas GC/MS is simpler to operate, requires less maintenance and is less expensive, LC/MS offers speed, simpler extraction procedures and the ability to identify and measure a broader range of compounds. If you’re not sure what to choose for your applications, speak with any member of our knowledgeable sales team. We are here to help!
Read more: An Overview of the Different Types of Toxicology | Chromatography in Forensic Science: A Guide | The Value of Refurbished Instrumentation for the Toxicology Lab
Equip Your Toxicology Lab for Less!
A full–service reseller of all major manufacturers of analytical instrumentation, GenTech is your comprehensive source for High-Quality – Low-Cost scientific instruments and laboratory support. We offer customized training, expert service, repair, and professional installation – all the options you need to equip your lab for success, for less.
Which instruments do you need?
Toxicology labs fall primarily under two types – research or testing. Research toxicology labs more often deal directly with potentially toxic substances and include those labs studying the adverse effects of chemicals, toxins and poisons, as well as pharmaceutical development and research. Toxicology testing laboratories primarily test metabolized samples so are less likely to deal directly with toxins. Toxicology testing labs include clinical diagnostics laboratories, veterinary and agricultural testing labs, commercial labs that perform employment or rehabilitation related screens for illegal substances, and forensic labs that process evidence.
The specific instruments needed will depend on the types of methods, and the sensitivity required, among other considerations. More from our blog: Startup Toxicology Labs Essentials.
Watch Tips for the Toxicology Lab, presented by a GenTech Scientific preferred partner, Carol Seagle of Toxicology Solutions, LLC.
Shop our inventory of quality refurbished systems ideal for the toxicology laboratory: