Philly here we come!
Pittcon 2023 will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. This year’s Conference runs from March 18th to March 22, with the Expo, at which GenTech will exhibit, running from March 20th to the 22nd.
Sponsored by The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP), Pittcon began in 1950 as “a small technical meeting with an instrumentation exhibition.” In 1988, Pittcon began traveling outside of Philadelphia; New Orleans was the site of that first traveling show. By 2008, the technical program had expanded to more than 2,000 papers, exhibitors had grown to more than 1,000, and the meeting was attracting more than 20,000 attendees.[1]
Now in its 73rd year, Pittcon is billed as “a dynamic, transnational exposition and venue for examining the latest advances in research and scientific instrumentation, and a platform for viewing cutting-edge laboratory instrumentation.”
Who Should Attend?
The answer, from Pittcon, is: “Anyone who develops, buys, or sells laboratory equipment, performs physical or chemical analyses, develops analysis methods, or manages these scientists.” A leader in the refurbished analytical instruments industry, GenTech Scientific is a perfect fit for this show and its attendees. Pittcon has provided GenTech the opportunity over the years to showcase our inventory and services to exactly the laboratories who need them. We have connected with some of our best customers at Pittcon.
Pittcon Tracks for 2023 include Bioanalytics & Life Sciences, Energy & Environmental, Forensics & Toxicology, Nanotechnology & Materials Science, Cannabis & Psychedelics, Food Science & Agriculture, Industry & Manufacturing, and Pharmaceutical.
One of the newest of these is Cannabis & Psychedelics. This track features “Instrumentation, methods and processes for the identification, quantitative measurement, quality assessment and assurance of Cannabis-based and psychedelic products.” These topics have been on GenTech Scientific’s radar as quickly expanding areas of research and testing. GenTech has offered a Cannabis Testing Start-Up Laboratory Package for some time now. Last year we added a new Psychedelic Start-Up Lab Options package. These packages are designed to meet the needs of both start-up labs and laboratories expanding to add these analyses to their services.
Visit us at Booth #2513
GenTech Scientific will once again be exhibiting at Pittcon in 2023 as we have for more than 20 years. Our first Pittcon exhibit was in 2000 and we’ve only missed two years since [2], even participating in the virtual event in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year two of our partners will also be in attendance. HTA will be our neighbor at Booth #2511. GenTech is proud to offer HTA’s line of new autosamplers that fit all GCs and GC/MS systems. A second valued partner, NXT Power, will not be exhibiting this year but will be attending and walking the show. We invite folks who’d like to connect with them to stop by the GenTech Scientific booth. And definitely check out our Pittcon Special!

A Brief Retrospective of GenTech at Pittcon Through the Years

As a PAAEL corporate sponsor, we received notice that other members and sponsors will be at Pittcon 2023 as well. We are looking forward to connecting with both new and current customers and partners. See you in March!
[1] Pittcon turns 60 (Chemical & Engineering News, 2009);
[2] Specifically, GenTech didn’t attend in 2009. As well, the event was cancelled in 2022 due to ongoing pandemic impact and concerns for participant safety.