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PFAS Analysis and Lab Analytical Methods

With our CCO Yvette Pagano at ASMS in Philadelphia this week, we’ve dubbed November “Environmental Month” here at GenTech Scientific. To kick off our focus on environmental analyses, this week’s Tech Tips rounds up some basics about PFAS analysis in drinking water.

Our very first Tech Tips back in February was a post by Will Flannery, GenTech Field Service Engineer, entitled “Instruments for PFAS Analysis,” in which he addressed questions he’s received from customers about the instruments needed.

The EPA provides a great overview of PFAS Analytical Methods Development and Sampling Research, including descriptions of Standard Analytical Methods and Standard Operating Procedures. EPA Method 537.1: Determination of Selected PFAS in Drinking Water by SPE and LC/MS/MS is a standard analytical method for the determination of 18 PFAS in drinking water. EPA Method 533 can be used to test for 11 additional PFAS. The EPA also provides a chart listing the PFAS that can be effectively measured between the two methods.

The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) offers a thorough overview of Sampling and Analytical Methods, including specific sections on Sampling, Analytical Methods & Techniques, and Data Evaluation. The ITRC PFAS Team also developed a series of explainer video on PFAS sampling and analysis, one of which follows.

Analysis of PFAS: Strategies to Optimize Performance. This 1-hour on-demand webinar sponsored by Separation Science and Agilent offers “an expert discussion forum addressing some of the key issues surrounding the targeted analysis of PFAS in environmental matrices.” Free; registration required.

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