There’s no underestimating the importance of quality control in the lab. Whatever kind of laboratory it is, whether it’s research, test, or development labs, it can’t function properly without adequate quality control in the environment. We’ll break down exactly why quality control (QC) is a top priority for every lab in our blog.
Precise and Accurate Results
Quality control in a laboratory is just what it sounds like—controlling the quality of the lab’s procedures and results. If your lab begins to neglect or not take QC seriously, it’s only natural that there’ll be a decline in the precision and accuracy of test results and data collected.
In a testing lab, the integrity of samples is paramount, and without proper QC procedures, samples can become compromised, setting a lab back in time and money. Quality control is integral if your lab meets proficiency testing requirements.
Customer Trust
The most critical factor in a testing and research lab remaining operational is the integrity of its tests and results. Without proper QC, test accuracy deteriorates, and so does customers’ trust in the lab.
Clients trust labs with some of the most important tests that can have life or death circumstances for people, and if customers lose trust in the accuracy of the results, it’s nearly impossible to get it back. If you make quality control a focus of importance in your lab, your results will earn your clients’ trust.
A laboratory’s quality control isn’t just about offering accurate results; it’s also about ensuring the safety of those working within the lab. Effective QC procedures ensure that equipment isn’t malfunctioning and that personnel follow proper and safe procedures while in the lab. If your lab deals with hazardous materials or chemicals, quality control should be a top priority.
Whether your laboratory is full of brand-new or used scientific equipment, you endanger your personnel when quality control standards fall to sub-par levels. Your lab can keep minor accidents from growing into major problems with proper QC procedures.
The importance of quality control in the laboratory is about more than simply checking off a few boxes on a checklist. It’s about ensuring the accuracy of your lab’s results, reinforcing the trust of your clients, and keeping lab personnel in a safe working environment.